Welcome to the Oak Hill Location!
Situated on over 3 acres of sprawling green grass and gorgeous oak trees, the Oak Hill Location offers beauty, nature, and a small town feel all while still being located within the Austin City Limits!

Oak Hill Location Registration Information:
Pups & Pals Pet Lounge is a doggy daycare for socially advanced dogs who enjoy and thrive in a group setting with many other dogs. At Pups & Pals we do not offer accommodations for pups who do not enjoy the company of other dogs. If your pup does not get along well with other dogs in a large group setting, then we would not be the right facility for your pup. However, there are plenty of dog boarding facilities in Austin which specialize in providing individualized care for pups who are not the biggest fans of socializing in group settings, and we have listed several recommendations lower on this page!
All dogs at Pups & Pals must pass an Evaluation Day in which they enter our group play yard setting with numerous other dogs of similar size to them. If your pup does not have experience playing with other dogs that are a similar size to themselves at another doggy daycare or a dog park, then Pups & Pals may not be the best option for them.
Age limits: We are currently only accepting new clients who are 16 weeks old through 12 years old. If your dog is 13 years old, or older, we are unable to accept them at this time as we are at maximum capacity for our elderly dog population. Please do not fill out our registration form if your pup is 13 years old or older, as we are not able to accept them at this time. Thank you for your understanding.
Registration Form for Oak Hill Location:
Contact Us:
8036 West Highway 290 | Austin, Texas 78736
Phone: 512-701-8097 | info@PupsAndPalsOakHill.com
Lobby Hours:
Monday - Friday
Morning: 7 AM - 10 AM Evening: 4 PM - 7 PM
Saturday - Sunday
Morning: 9 AM - 11 AM Evening: 4 PM - 6 PM
Follow @pupsandpalsoakhill on Instagram!
Meet the Oak Hill Pack!
We Recommend the Following Nearby Facilities:
Lucky’s Paw Playhouse: https://www.luckyspawplayhouse.com/
Remington Pet Ranch: https://www.remingtonpetranch.com/
Jumping Jack Dog Ranch: https://www.jumpingjackranch.com/
Midtown Groom & Board: http://www.midtowngroomandboard.com/
D Pet Hotel: https://austin.dpethotels.com/